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Samuel Logan                                                        <back

Managing Partner of Southern Pulse

Samuel is the founder of Southern Pulse | Networked Intelligence, a human intelligence organization focused on security, politics, and energy in Latin America. He is a senior writer for the International Relations and Security Network, whose website is used by researchers and journalists from around the world who write about security in Latin America.


As a member of the HarperCollins Speakers Bureau, Samuel is regularly invited to provide briefings to US Intelligence Agencies, NGOS, Universities, and conventions around the United States.


His work has attracted members of the Inter-American Dialogue, the Eurasia Group, the RAND corporation, Control Risks Group, The Olive Group, StratFor, the European Security Institute, the International Crisis Group, agents with the Drug Enforcement Administration, Customs and Border Patrol, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, analysts with US Southern Command, the Cambridge Energy Research Associates, the Federation of American Scientists, Blackwater USA, and other organizations that maintain open channels of dialogue with him about the drug trade in Latin America and other matters pertaining to security in the Western Hemisphere.


CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the Council on Foreign Affairs, the Washington Post, the Gerson Lehrman Group, The Nation magazine, France 24 Television, Swiss World Radio, National Public Radio affiliates and others have interviewed him about topics pertaining to the organized crime and the drug trade, and he maintains regular contact with correspondents who work for the British Broadcast Corporation, the Financial Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, the Dallas Morning News, the New York Times, the Houston Chronicle, the Economist magazine, and the Washington Post.


Samuel has lived and worked in Latin America for nearly twelve years. He has lived in Mexico and Central America and a number of South American countries. Samuel has a MA in International Policy and has studied the economics of black markets, organized crime, and Latin America’s criminal groups for nearly a decade. He has written extensively on organized crime in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Central America, and Mexico.

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Esentia Energy Systems sponsor of 9th Mexico Oil & Gas Summit san antonio
Kiewit Mexico Gas Summit Conference Energy
ENGIE Mexico Sponsors the 10th Mexico Gas Summit San Antonio
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In Association with:
Campeche Energy Agency Mexico Oil and Gas Summit
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Supporting Organizations:
Natural Gas Intelligence - Mexico Oil and Gas Conference San Antonio
Asociacion mexicana de gas natural apoya a mexico gas summit san antonio
HHM Energy & Maritime Mexico Oil Gas Summit Energy
Women Energy Network Mexico Oil and Gas Summit San Antonio
Mexico Oil and Gas Conference
United States Mexico Chamber of Commerce Energy Conference Oil & gas
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